Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Somehow, I lived to see Tuesday.

This past weekend was....eventful. We'll leave it at that. I will say, though, that my first European boy told me he loved me. I laughed in his face. His response was "well I love you right now". Cute. Italian. Got his number.

In other news, it's only Tuesday and I'm completely exhausted. It was one of those mornings where you keep pressing snooze and put off important things like breakfast & preparing for school just so you can sleep 15 more minutes.

My first class was excellent this week (in contrast to last week where they sat there & stared at me blankly. I hate that face.) We practiced pronouns and then played Hangman. Except we had to play Flower because "Hangman twelve years ago gave a student bad dreams".

This would have been good to know the first game we played, when I actually drew the hangman and was trying to be nice by giving them more guesses, so I was drawing shoes, hands, shoelaces, eyes (shaped like X's of course cause he's hanging)...yeah, the whole "no hangman" thing would have been nice to know before detailing a dead body. Eva, the teacher, wasn't mad though. Times like these remind me why I shouldn't be a parent yet.

In my class with General Nun, though.......awful. First of all the class is an hour long and she didn't show up for 20 minutes. Besides that, I hadn't planned ANYTHING for the class because the text book she gave me to look at is in Catalan. Catalan is what they speak in Barcelona and is a mixture of Portuguese and French. I can make out one out of every 20 words. Not helpful. Soo...luckily it was one of the girl's birthdays so we sang to her but the kids would NOT shut up. At all. So I yelled at them, clapped my hands, threatened them with homework, and still nothing. Then 2 kids were kicking under their desks playing footsie so I decided, in Spanish style, I'd join in and kick their feet to get them to stop. That was the only effective authority I managed today...and it was accomplished by kicking the students. Great.

Better than the punishment given by General Nun, though. She pulled some girl's hair to get her to shut up today. The girl was more offended she messed up her hair, though, so she immediately pulled out a comb from nowhere & made sure to redo it right there. Seriously, it's 4th grade...necessary??

The class was learning emotions and General Nun called up two students to act out a dialogue to learn about asking permission. So the objective was to have one student come up and say "Hello, I'm hungry. Have you got a biscuit?" and the other student would say "Yes, you can have a biscuit."

Here's how that went down:

General Nun: BABIES!!! MY BABIES!! JEW. Jew right dere. Jes, jew. Come up here. And jew too. Come on! Come on!! Okay now jew ask her for a beezkit and jew tell him he can have one. Now GO.
Boy: Hello, my name is Carlos and I am hungry. Can I have you got a biscuit?
General Nun: NO NO NO. Jew cannot say "Can I have you got!!" Jew must say one or de udder. Now come on babies. Again!
Boy: Hello, I am hungry, can I eat your biscuit?

........why is everything in 4th grade English ALWAYS so awkward?!? Even the nun started laughing. Even she knew that was awkward. Atleast she caught on this time. Usually she doesn't get it. Her awful English pronunciation struck again today while discussing clothes.

General Nun: What is the pirate wearing?? BABIES Come on! What ees the pirate wearing? Say "he ees wearing da shit. What color ees hees shit? His shit is blue, jes. Jes hees shit is blue. And what color ees her shit?? Her shit is purple.

Shirt. Shirt. R. Shirt. It's the whole British accent thing they are teaching. The silent "r"s in every sentence throw everybody off. I asked a girl to write "thirsty" on the board and she wrote "thisty". Frustrating!

Haha...so then was recess, or as they call it "playtime". Every recess yet the kids come running up and need help with someone who is hurt and I panic because I'm not supposed to speak Spanish at all...one kid was shoved & bruised his arm pretty badly. The solution of the other teacher was to go rinse it off with water. Somehow I doubt that helped much (actually I'm positive because the kid came back crying still...haha. Water doesn't cure bruises. Check.)

So anyways tonight I have my Master's classes at Las Suertes, a metro stop that is in the middle of BFE, and afterwards I'm having girl's night with a girl in my classes named Ashley to watch our favorite trashy Spanish show, Fisica o Quimica. I'm super excited to have a relaxing evening after my ridiculous weekend and crazy classes. Plus the boys on FoQ are so gorgeous. :)

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