Monday, September 6, 2010

Procrastination is no longer my favorite virtue

Here's a bajillion reasons why:

#1. Ask me when I finished packing...Sunday morning at 12:20 p.m. My flight left at 3:12 p.m. Horrible. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand my bags were overweight as well. Enjoy your bonuses, US Airways!

#2. While thinking of Spain, I imagined the time I was here last time and got really excited. This is not all bad, except for the part when I forgot to remember to deal with the fact that I'm here for a year.. A YEAH!! Ugh it's awful! I've been crying since the Indianapolis Airport (and for that I blame Kiely & Levin, because I was dominating with my pokerface.

#3. Peeing. 8 hour flight to Madrid, didn't pee ONCE. Champion!!

#4. Homelessness. Currently without an apartment and currently not really interested in finding one, hahaha. I'm sure this will get better tomorrow. Picture this: Chelsea, sitting of floor of the Barajas airport, strattling her Vera Bradley purse-bag, leaning up against all three of my suitcases tetering on the trolly, slowly fading in and out of consciousness. And Spanish people blatantly staring at me while judging me and pointing to their families. I SPEAK SPANISH, thanks. Geez.

I'm actually passing out while I write this soooo.........maybe next time I'll add pictures or better stories.


  1. I thought you found a place?! Did that fall through? You're making me nervous!

    -Brittany Dowden

  2. I had a place to stay with a friend of a friend but I couldn't find the initial friend soooo....I ended up super homeless in the morning trying to find a place to stay & sleep :/

    I got a little depressed, not gonna lie haha. But the crying has stopped a little & I'm staying with my old host family for now until I find an apartment. They are also feeding me yummy Spanish food :)
