Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Calm before the storm...

Hola!! Buenas!!

I survived La Noche en Blanco, first and foremost.

I had an itinerary set and places I wanted to see...but in the end my hurt foot (wtf, world??) and the fact that I forgot my map @ home (typical Chelsea) hurt my plans a little bit. Just a little.

BUT nevertheless it was a great night. I went with Katie & Juliet to meet up with Katie's friend Alexa, a super nice girl who was with Christina, a super adorable Spanish girl with BLONDE HAIR. That's right....BLONDE!!! I told her she was the first Spaniard I had ever seen with blonde hair that looked legit and she told me that she was actually born in South Africa, I believe...but either way her Spanish is infinitely better than mine sooo I'm going to call her Spanish. She was wearing booty jean shorts & knee-high leather boots...only looked a little bit like a sloot, but then again we're in Europe & that's fashion for ya.

Anywho we walked to a plaza near by where they had this HUGE beach ball fight (video below and on my Facebook)...down in the middle of the chaos you can see Katie trying to get a volleyball. After she finally got one (silly her threw it back! why???) I decided I'd venture down into the pit and try my luck at catching one. Except I'm picky & annoying so I insisted on getting a blue and white one. Katie went with me and the fight was just what you'd expect.....millions of balls to the face. Lots and lots of balls to the face. And arm. And shoving. And more beach balls getting spiked into your nose. THEN when you finally get one all the crazies around you look PIIIIISSED because they were hoping to help you hit it back in a wild frenzy.

Good news, though, America....I GOT ONE!! Blue & white, just like I wanted. :) All thanks to Katie...I keep volleyball playing roommates around for these reasons ;)

Anyways Christina really wanted to see the botanical gardens so Juliet and I just started walking around and barhopped for a little bit, grabbing mojitos here, some sangria there...fabulous time! Best mojito I've had in my entire life, by the way. And I've had PF Chang's pear mojito...mmm. Oh dang, now I want Chinese. The only thing that Chinese people sell here, by the way, are random knickknacks and really cheap garage sale B.S. Seriously. I'm not complaining, though, because I bought 4 different outlet converters for 90 cents a piece. Thank you, Chinos!!!

I keep getting side-tracked about Noche en Blanco...end result is that the Butler kids were super dumb (sorry Billy/Kyle if you're reading this!!!) and came to Madrid at 6:30 (even though everything started at 10 p.m.) so they ended up leaving early. :( sad. Other than the beachball fight, though, they closed down one of the main streets to build a MASSIVE swing set as well as a tire swing (the theme this year was "Haga Juego"...or play games. So. Lots of random fun) (p.s. pictures above). ALSO Limp Bizkit was in town!! hahahaha...too bad we missed out. We didn't get home until 4:30 a.m. Then I slept until 5 the next day. It was so perfect (except for the fact that my twin sized bed is slightly...soft...and might eat me one of these nights. I will need to get used to that)

Speaking of apartments, ours is going awesomely! We signed our contract last night and our landlords are super sweet old people. Like I mentioned, my bed situation leaves something to be desired but I don't have many other complaints. In our complex you can here EVERYTHING going on with any given neighbor and one of the old dudes downstairs might be dying. Every night when we talk a little too loud he wakes up and sounds like he's coughing up an important part of his internal organs. I might take one of my mucinex pills and pop it in his mailbox. Feliz Navidad, senor! Oh, I don't know how to cook. That's been a problem. I went to the grocery yesterday and realized while staring at the meat aisle that I don't actually know how to cook meat. Oops. I bought 6 little baby chicken breasts, though, and didn't *exactly* burn them today for lunch so I'm feeling like Paula Dean right now!! (except Spain doesn't have butter...so maybe I'm Rachel Ray. BAM!) Baby steps to growing up...baby steps.

That being said I made a hot dog for dinner. So. 2 steps forward, 1 back.

We also started classes today...it takes an hour on the metro to get there. A little frustrating, only because with that much time sitting still I want to fall asleep, but would then miss the Metro stop. I don't want them thinking I'm a hobo & end up waking up in Spain jail. And would have also, therefore, missed class. I have two classes right now, Spanish in America and Teaching Methodology. Spanish in America is a piece of cake because it's a Spanish class. Teaching Methodology, however, is going to kick my ass a little. While I am quite creative and have been told many times "you should be a teacher", I think that was a false statement. Teaching english here is going to be intense. Not only do we teach English, but the Spanish goverment has started a program where they teach content courses (such as science, art, etc.) in English. So kids learn English, then go to science and speak English as well. So I'm going to be researching all sorts of subjects, hahaha. We'll soon find out if I'm smarter than a 5th grader...

Anyways it's getting late and I'm getting anxious for tomorrow...so...I'll let y'all know how it goes!! Hasta pronto, amores! :)

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