Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home, sweet home @ 28 Don Quijote

Hi all!!

As I write today, I have officially slept 2 nights at the new apartment.

The address?? If you haven't seen on Facebook, my address is Don Quijote Street. Hilarious right?! If you want the whole legit address, check Facebook or just comment below with your name and I will send it to you! I'd LOVE to start getting snail mail and potentially prezzies?? Potentially Halloween prezzies?! :D heh.

SO let's see...what has happened now!? Apartment hunting was so awful and stressful. Katie & Juliet are my roommates and they are fantastic. Katie is from Tennessee with a cute little accent and Juliet is from San Francisco. We got online to hunt for apartments (which seemed easy at first) but whenever we would call to look for appointments to go see them, we would find millions of reasons why it wouldn't work. For some apartments, they weren't even available anymore. Others we called wouldn't let us move in until October (homeless til then?? No thanks!!) Some were really really small once we saw them, and others wanted up to 3 months rent for a DEPOSIT, plus the current month's rent. Who does that?!

The best one, though, was this guy we called and told him "Hi, we saw your add and wanted to know if we could see the apartment." Here are the questions he asked: "Where did you see the ad? What street was it on? What number? Where was it again? Who are you?" I'm convinced that homeboy here got drunk one night and put his apartment up for sale on He had no idea what we were talking about. Needless to say we didn't go through him.

Every piso we would find was up and down because it looked so perfect online but then was located in BFE, or Murdertown, or Urineville...all random places that were far away from metros & our school. Finally we agreed to live on Don Quijote, which is a 3 bedroom apartment, one bathroom, huge terrace, and cute neighborhood. It's also like 5 minutes walking from the main street & a major metro stop.

On the other hand, I think I have learned something here. The only time, thus far, that I have been approached & majorly attacked by European men is when I was walking home from the market with 15 pounds of cleaning supplies. THAT, my friends, is when men really kick it in into high gear around here. She's domestic?!? "Hola, baby, jew are so bee-you-tee-ful..." Oh, and then yesterday I went to try to buy a hair dryer and this old man, about 65 years old, started reciting poetry about my blonde hair. 3 different poems. I tried to say thank you and turn around but SURPRISE! he had one more.

Who does that?! My roommie Juliet said that was cute & he was trying to be nice. Maybe I'll learn a lot here after all, haha.


  1. Where did you find a Halloween pumpkin in Madrid?!

  2. I might have brought it from home :)

    My mom, Jeri, got it for lights up!! It will last me until I run out of AAA batteries. It's a terror of a nightlight (feeds my nightmares, haha) but I think it's totally worth it!
