Friday, May 1, 2009

The Beginning of Epicness...I only hope.

Hello all and welcome to my crazy, random, wonderful world :)

I feel the need to first explain my blog title; is an epic website with hilarious texts sent under whatever circumstances that, taken out of context, make me want to pee myself a little and sometimes a lot. Here's my current fave:

(859): I ahte it when I peed a little on my shews. I got a litll bit on the automen in your room too.:/
(973): Tracy!! WTF I don't have an ottoman in my room.
(859): you have a dog shaped liek un automan?

hahahah....oh Lord it still makes me chuckle. Almost as much as my awkwardly amazing Wednesday night, which will have details's good though.

Cinco de mayo is in pocos dias. I'm preparing my liver for total domination. (that's a lie...I can only hope to eat some tasty nachos and maybe take a tequila shot or two. I'm not an animal after all and hell, it's not even our country's holiday. Mexico doesn't even celebrate Cinco de mayo as much as we do...)

Peace, love, and my roommate doing Taebo.

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