Monday, May 11, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

To the citizens of Zionsville...I do not have epilepsy.

To set the scene: It's 11:49 a.m. I have spent the last half our at Starbucks chatting with my wonderful coworkers and getting coffee/breakfast. I'm in a good mood. I'm driving home from work and the sun has decided to pop out so I of course put down my window to enjoy the breeze.


As soon as I pull up to a stop light, a dark loomy object flies into my window. I heard buzzing but I was hoping to death it was a fly.

I was wrong.

The mysterious object had migrated to my passenger's side (and thanks to my non-automatic windows they were not down already...) and to my absolute horror the sucker was the size of my fist. It was a huge ass bumble bee.

Like that one. See how he looks smug and huge, like if he tried to fly he'd just kinda hover around because his weight makes it physically impossible to gracefully float? This bee was like the Fat Bastard of all bumblebees. I think it was the size of my fist. I'll say it again.

Well I got petrified. I literally leaned as far out of my window as possible (light still red) and I panic. How can I get the beast outside?? The door was locked!! And I don't have power locks! At this point I have 4 cars who I notice are just staring at me and wondering if I need help.

So the light goes green and I've just picked up an unwanted passenger that keeps buzzing louder and louder and I'm so petrified I could hardly steer. I pull over into the nearest parking lot and put the car in park. I keep trying to get out of the car but the beast sensed my fear and started coming at my face. Turns out I didn't put the car in park so we start rolling down the street. I start swatting and squealing and trying to get out of the car while also trying not to have heart palpitations because I'm shaking so badly. I was eventually able to put the car in park and run a block away waiting for the beast to exit my car. It was so big I could see it leave from a distance.

So I get back in my car and drive away quickly so it can't get back in my car. As I'm putting on my seatbelt, I realize that I have 5 different cars just sitting there watching me, with concerned but amused looks on their faces. How freakin embarrassing...

The worst part? I come home to find out that today is Kid's Mental Health Awareness Day. Damn.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spain = Love

quick and random thoughts for the night:

* Twitter...wish I understood it...but Ashton K. & Demi do so why can't I?
* Spain...I never could have anticipated the friendships that I would find from studying abroad..but I'm so grateful that I did. July 10th: Half-birthday party and everyone should be there :)

it's 1:13 a.m. and I am still a text from Veronica saying "I justr fell in a tib. annd i mean tub"...of course I sent it in to textsfromlastnight. Last time she got drunk she called me saying "help! come find me, I'm lost in the woods". Turns out she was really just passed out drunk in the front yard with her face in the grass. It was definitely a traumatizing experience for her though.


Friday, May 1, 2009

The Beginning of Epicness...I only hope.

Hello all and welcome to my crazy, random, wonderful world :)

I feel the need to first explain my blog title; is an epic website with hilarious texts sent under whatever circumstances that, taken out of context, make me want to pee myself a little and sometimes a lot. Here's my current fave:

(859): I ahte it when I peed a little on my shews. I got a litll bit on the automen in your room too.:/
(973): Tracy!! WTF I don't have an ottoman in my room.
(859): you have a dog shaped liek un automan?

hahahah....oh Lord it still makes me chuckle. Almost as much as my awkwardly amazing Wednesday night, which will have details's good though.

Cinco de mayo is in pocos dias. I'm preparing my liver for total domination. (that's a lie...I can only hope to eat some tasty nachos and maybe take a tequila shot or two. I'm not an animal after all and hell, it's not even our country's holiday. Mexico doesn't even celebrate Cinco de mayo as much as we do...)

Peace, love, and my roommate doing Taebo.