Sunday, November 6, 2011

New changes....& Suzie's tiny pooper

I have let everybody down and myself thus far, for which I'm quite sorry haha. I've been in a rut lately, with life and friends, so I've not been in the mood to blog much. Jeri called me out on it, actually, and I agree with her that it's a clear sign of a problem. My school life and private classes are wonderful, but it's my social life & home life that have been bothering me. I think I can solve all of my problems by moving, though, so I'm hoping to move closer to my school & the city around December. By doing so I'll save so much time travelling, a lot of money on rent, and hopefully jumpstart my year again. I'll keep you posted :) I visited an apartment I loved last week, 4 minutes from my school, but they have other people interested so they're going to let me know next week if they want me or not...fingers crossed & prayers that I'm cool enough :P

Okay let's get down to business. I have so much to catch up on it's not even funny. To begin, I have picked up two new private classes this year. This means a lot more money for me...and a lot more crazy in my life. The first class is on Fridays for an hour and a half, with 4 year old Irene, 7 year old Diego, and sometimes their 1 yr old Sara (she just repeats things). They wanted the kids to think I was their new American friend, who doesn't speak any we usually just play games. They're both really shy, though, and very hesitant to's difficult. The first day I showed up the parents had purchased presents from a chino and wrapped them for me to give to they were opening them I was like, "Oh, what is it?!? ( seriously, what is it?? I honestly have no clue...)" Kind of bizarre but I go along with it...25 euros is 25 euros. My school has been amazing this year, and re-did my schedule so I have Fridays free. I will have to work on Fridays in June, but I figure that 10 months without is a pretty awesome setup.

My other new class is on Mondays and hour, 30 euros. It's the SWEETEST class I have thus far. The kids are 4 and 6, Marta and Nicolas. Their English is PHENOMENAL! It makes my job so easy, because I literally play with them for an hour, they talk to me in English, and the time flies. Both of their parents speak English very well, so I think they might have lived in England or something...not sure. The first day I went there, they were telling me about their brother and sister and all of their toys. They love drawing so I asked them to draw me all the animals they know in English...I drew a black cat for Halloween and they flipped out. "We have a cat!! She's black and has green eyes...her name is Suzie!" I asked them if we could see her (cats are like raccoons here so it's rare for a family to have a domesticated house cat...and I miss my little black cats & Lexi dearly) and they said that Suzie is big, and would scratch we'd have to go look for her. We go to the living room, hunting for the cat, and she's sitting on the back of the sofa. They told me she might not like me at first but I told them cats speak English so I'm sure she'd love me (side note: I lie to my students all the time, and they all believe me...sometimes I feel bad about it but most of the time it makes me giggle and entertains me. Read below for more lies I've told). I go to pet her and say how beautiful she is, and Nicolas says (in Spanish), "Yes! She's really pretty and did you see her butthole??"


How the hell do you respond to that? I was like "Yes!! She is very beautiful!" but he was not satisfied that I had not addressed his statement. (In Spanish) "Yes, her butthole is so tiny! It's like this!!"

I tried as hard as humanly possible to ignore this statement and talk about something else but they were both so eager and excited about Suzie's ass that they kept going...finally in English. "Ojete!! How do you say ojete in English? Suzie has a very small ojete!" 

Needless to say I'm not going to teach the kids how to say asshole in English. I was tempted though. Imagine the look on their English teacher's face.

All good things have their drawbacks, though, and I've finally found their imperfections. Nicolas, the boy, gets super hyper sometimes...which is fine, he likes to wrestle and roughhouse, but last week he started spitting at me. Why, as the English tutor, do I end up with such crazy little brats?? I finally grabbed his mouth and told him no spitting. I had to mime spit a few times for him to understand the word spit, but I made him pinky promise not to do it again. Luckily I speak 5-year old, haha.

Meanwhile, my class I still have from last year is constantly up and down. The girls are nicer, we haven't argued about the size of my chest and they haven't thrown any coins at me lately...but the boy loves to tell me how much he loves war video games, and the best ones are the ones that are more realistic where you can see the blood gushing and squirting. I feel like Hitler's English tutor sometimes...

I'm getting tired so I'll update soon about Halloween. I know this wasn't quite at par for my usual posts but I think things will start getting better soon :) They have to!

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