Sunday, August 29, 2010

Preparation for Spain has begun!!

....and I only have a week before I leave. Are you thinking right now, "Wow, typical Chelsea?"'re right, f- you.

Regardless, though, I still have to figure out what the hell is going on with my life and how I'm going to pack it all up in my 2 suitcases (one of which I have yet to purchase because Lil Ruby, my beloved old suitcase, bit the dust last time I was in Spain. Her feeble wheel was no match to Anthony's overzealous, fast-paced pseudo-jogging on the cobblestone streets of Alcala. Figures, it was probably from China anyways)

So my list of things to do:

* Get my passport (with visa) from Chicago.
* Buy 2nd suitcase.
* Buy contacts so I can see Spanish men.
* More importantly, buy contacts so I can locate Sangria.
* Buy birth control (as to not create bastard children with the Spanish men)
* Buy a camera (so I can take pictures of the Spanish men. And sangria)

The list goes on. Let me make a list of things I have purchased so far:

* Red wine.
* White wine.
* Sprite
* 3 oranges
* a notebook
* Headphones (for my ipod)

......all the thoughts of Spain have driven me to drink. If you intuited I'm using the shit I've bought to make sangria, congrats Sherlock!!! I'm goin to Kiely's to drink and forget all about this packing business. I'll do something productive tomorrow.

